For authors

Call for papers

The Yearbook of the Kraków Library invites authors to submit scientific articles on the following topics:

Volume 7: 2023

  1. Libraries and books for the blind and visually impaired.
  2. Audio description as a new model of cultural participation and a new genre of text.

Deadline: October 11, 2023

Volume 8: 2024

  1. Social communication and media studies.
  2. History (with a special focus on the history and culture of Krakow, libraries, reading, and the publishing industry).

Deadline: April 21, 2024

Publication languages: Polish, English, German, French.

Editorial Guidelines


  • The author’s name, surname, affiliation, and ORCID number shall be given. The paper must also be accompanied by an abstract, bibliography, bio, and approximately five keywords.
  • The scope of the paper should not exceed 25,000 characters.
  • The desired date format is “3 October 2017” and “the 1920s”. Please use the adjective “20th-century” and do not include the word “day” when referring to a specific date.
  • Italics are reserved for titles and foreign phrases (e.g., alter ego, nota bene, de facto).
  • Direct quotations should be put in double quotation marks („”), without italics. To indicate a quote inside a quote, one should use guillemets «».
  • Numbers 0 through 9 should be spelled out, while numbers 10 or above should be expressed in numerals.
  • The following terms should always be written in full: among others, so-called, for example; with the exception of etc., which should be abbreviated.
  • At first mention, every person should be referred to by their full name and surname.
    Please do not use highlighting. In exceptional cases, expanded character spacing is allowed.


Footnotes should be formatted according to the following guidelines:

  1. [book] U. Flick, Projektowanie badania jakościowego, transl. P. Tomanek, Warszawa 2022
  2. [part of a book] M. Parczewski, Praojczyzna Słowian w ujęciu źródłoznawczym, in: Cień Światowita, czyli pięć głosów w sprawie etnogenezy Słowian, ed. A. Kokowski, Lublin 2002, p. 24.
  3. [journal article] U. Szabłowska, Finansowe skutki polskiego systemu planowania przestrzennego, „Zawód: Architekt” 2011, no. 5.
  4. [quote from an article] J. Gwizdałówna, Wawel podczas okupacji niemieckiej 1939–1945. Przemiany architektury. Echa architektury nazistowskiej, „Rocznik Krakowski” 77: 2011, p. 140.
  5. [book in a series] J. Dąbrowski, Rządy niemieckie w Krakowie, in: Kraków pod rządami wroga 1939–1945, ed. idem, Biblioteka Krakowska, 104, Kraków 1946, p. 5–6.
  6. [newspaper article] B. Prus, Kronika tygodniowa, „Kurier Warszawski”, 62: 1882, No. 52 (4 III), p. 3.
  1. In the footnotes, please use abbreviations, such as l., i.a., and e.g.
  2. When citing multiple works by the same author, please include the following annotations each time: full title, op. cit., page number.
  3. The editor’s and translator’s names should be stated after the title and separated by a comma.
  4. Please use terms idem, ibidem, and op. cit..


The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically and in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • [monographic series] Bednarzak-Libera M., Rola książki w działalności Towarzystwa Szkoły Ludowej (1891–1918). Szkic do dziejów książki w Krakowie, „Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis” 2006, Folia 39 „Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Partinentia IV”.
  • [book] Flick U., Projektowanie badania jakościowego, transl. P. Tomanek, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2022.
  • [signed dictionary article] S. Konarski, Radlińska z Rajchmanów Helena, in: Polski słownik biograficzny, vol. 29, Wrocław i in. 1986.
  • [press article] Lubowski E., Jan Kanty Turski, „Kłosy” 11: 1870, No. 265 (16/28 VII).
  • [chapter from a collective monograph] Parczewski M., Praojczyzna Słowian w ujęciu źródłoznawczym, in: Cień Światowita, czyli pięć głosów w sprawie etnogenezy Słowian, ed. A. Kokowski, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2002.
  • [journal article] Samsonowska K., Żydowskie biblioteki i czytelnie w Krakowie w XIX i XX wieku, „Rocznik Biblioteki PAN w Krakowie” 43: 1998.
  • [article from a monographic series] Stąsiek J., Rozwój wypożyczalni dochodowych w Galicji, in: Z dziejów udostępniania książki w Polsce w okresie zaborów. Studia i materiały, ed. K. Maleczyńska, „Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis”, No. 673, Bibliotekoznawstwo XI, Wrocław 1985.

Each bibliographical entry should be accompanied by the name of the publisher.


An Author Bio must include the author’s academic title, position, the most significant awards, and scientific output (the titles of the most important publications, without the date and place of issue).


The aforementioned editorial guidelines apply to other types of academic papers as well. However, it is not required to include a bibliography, abstract, keywords, or bio.


The authors agree to transfer the publishing rights to YBK. All photographs should be captioned and have the resolution of at least 300 DPI.

The editorial board does not return unordered materials and reserves the right to shorten and edit texts suitable for publication, as well as to alter the titles in any way they deem appropriate.


„The Yearbook of the Kraków Library” publishes journalistic and commentary articles, reviews, and scientific texts.


„The Yearbook of the Kraków Library” accepts original, unpublished articles, source materials, and any other texts in line with the profile of the journal. The admission of texts is conducted on a continuous basis. Submissions can be sent to

The editors reserve the right to correct stylistic and punctuation errors and make necessary changes to the footnotes and bibliography. The authors shall be made aware of any changes introduced in order to have a chance to review and respond to them.

The acceptance of the text for print is synonymous with the author’s consent for its publication.

The author must sign a license agreement and deliver a written declaration that confirms that their work is original and does not violate the copyright of any third party (i.e., the author’s statement).

All selected scientific papers are assessed according to the following review process:

  1. The preliminary assessment carried out by the editors of „The Yearbook of the Kraków Library” is based on three main criteria: clarity and legitimacy of argumentation, erudite reliability, and originality of content. The editors are obliged to notify the authors about the initial acceptance and the scheduled peer review process of their work within one month. The editors then choose the appropriate experts in a given area of study to be in charge of reviewing the paper.
  2. Each paper is evaluated by at least two independent reviewers.
  3. The review procedure ensures confidentiality and anonymity. Both the author and the reviewers do not know each other’s identities, which is in accordance with the principle of double-blind review.
  4. All reviews are prepared on the basis of the Review Form (see below).
  5. The reviewers’ comments shall be forwarded to the author at their request.


Jacek Górski PhD, DSc
Professor Zbigniew Judycki, PhD, DSc
Jakub Kozaczewski, PhD
Professor Stanisław Koziara PhD, DSc
Professor Wojciech Ligęza PhD, DSc
Professor Gabriela Matuszek PhD, DSc
Professor Roman Mazurkiewicz PhD, DSc
Professor Maciej Urbanowski PhD, DSc
Professor Henryk Żaliński PhD, DSc
Maciej Gloger, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor at Kazimierz Wielki University
Marek Karwala, PhD, DSc
Michał Rogoż, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor at Pedagogical University of Krakow
Paweł Brzegowy, PhD
Marta Burghardt, PhD
Małgorzata Lebda, PhD
Remigiusz Sapa, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor at Jagiellonian University
Tadeusz Skoczek, PhD
Krystyna Moczulska


Ethical Guidelines of “The Yearbook of the Kraków Library”

“The Yearbook of the Kraków Library” Editorial Board strives to ensure proper ethical standards in publication. Those standards are in keeping with the guidelines set out in the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Rules of Conduct and with the content of the Code of Ethics for Researchers []. They apply to the editors, authors, and reviewers.

Editorial Board Requirements

  1. Editors take utmost care to ensure the substantive evaluation of papers, which is achieved by the careful selection of expert reviewers and anonymous nature of the peer review process.
  2. The editorial board seeks to eliminate all attitudes opposed to the practice of honesty and transparency of information about persons and entities contributing to the creation of scientific publications. In the event of such abuses as plagiarism, ghostwriting, or guest authorship, the editors shall inform the competent authorities (including the institution stated as the author’s affiliation). In case of suspicion of unfair practices, the paper shall be retracted.
  3. Works that have not been accepted for publication must not be used in any way at a later date without the written consent of the author.

Author Requirements

  1. Authors are required to guarantee that their submitted manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not currently under review elsewhere. They are also required to submit only their original work that does not infringe the copyright of any third parties.
  2. Academic papers shall contain a list of works cited, bibliographic information, and footnotes (allowing identification of data sources).
  3. The author should disclose all sources of research funding in their work, as well as the contribution of scientific and research institutions.
  4. An author submitting an article is required to identify all co-authors and any other contributors.
  5. If the author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in their text, the journal editors must be notified immediately.
  6. Authors are obliged to fully cooperate with the editors while their work is being prepared for publication.

Reviewer Requirements

  1. The reviewer should make every effort to provide a good quality review within the time requested and promptly inform the editors about any circumstances that may prevent them from meeting the deadline.
  2. All reviews are made via the Review Form. If objections be raised or the paper be retracted, the reviewer should properly justify their decision by indicating the failures and shortcomings in the methodology, research status, or elsewhere.
  3. Reviews should be conducted objectively.
  4. Reviewers should call to the journal editor’s attention any significant similarity between the manuscript under consideration and any published paper or submitted manuscripts of which they are aware.
  5. Reviews are confidential and are made available only to those involved in the editorial process.
  6. Reviewers must declare any conflict of interest before agreeing to review a manuscript. This includes any relationship with the author that may bias their review.
  7. Reviewers are not allowed to use an unpublished manuscript for their personal gain.